About Us

SalafiManhaj.com is a website dedicated to the Da’wah of the Salaf-as-Sālih (The Pious Predecessors). The main aim of the website is the same aim of a lighthouse—to emit the light of pure Islam through the Book of Allah, the Sunnah of the Messenger, the teachings of the Salaf, and the words of the Scholars. This lighthouse of Islam serves as a navigational aid that leads back to the inlands of the Salaf-as-Sālih, especially during these turbulent and tempestuous times. By the grace of Allah, SalafiManhaj.com has been up and running since 2004. During this period, SalafiManhaj has dedicated itself to dealing with all areas of this pristine Deen, especially matters that directly affect us here in the West.


Contact: admin@salafimanhaj.com